Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Olesky (Olesko) Castle in Lviv

The oldest surviving castle in Lviv region – The Olesky Castle (The Olesko Castle). This old castle is located on the hill in the southeastern part of Buzhskoy lowlands. Time of its foundation is considered XIII century....

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Museum of Ivan Franko

Literary-Memorial Museum of Ivan Franko in Lviv, where Franco lived from 1902 till 1915, was founded October 10, 1940. In addition to domestic equipment (cabinet Franko and personal belongings) in Lviv Museum store almost all the first editions of works, magazine archive Franko...

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Latin Cathedral

Every medieval town always had a town hall and cathedral. And that's cathedral, which was the spiritual center of the city began to build. The first foundation stone was laid in 1360 Latin Cathedral was built over 100 years and so the end was not finished. The project had two towers, one rising, the second completed only to the level of the roof. Parts of the altar ...

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Park High Castle

Park High Castle - old shady park on the hill towering over the city, the ruins of an ancient castle, viewing platform and landscapes of breathtaking.

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Dominican Church

Dominicans - the first Catholic order, who came to our land. Hungarian Princess Constance married Prince Leo, and under the laws of the time, was to go to the religion of man - Orthodoxy, but for some reason it did not, remained Catholic. Here in her suite and arrived Dominicans - Constance keep the faith. The first church was in the Dominican princely Lviv...

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Top 10 most popular places in Lviv

Lviv is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, central part of which is in the heritage of UNESCO. In Lviv are about 55% of architectural monuments of Ukraine. Lviv recognized cultural capital of Ukraine, where a year is more than 100 festivals. Here you always find something to your taste. We offer you a list of places you must visit in Lviv...

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Restaurant "Atmosphere"

Near the heart of the ancient city of Lviv is the restaurant of European cuisine creative "Atmosphere." Cultural, historical and business centers are interwoven in this institution. Here reign different views, different ideas, but a common atmosphere.

Four different facilities: restaurant ...
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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Chocolate Day invites all lovers and fans of sweets to plunge into the world of harmony and eating chocolate art.
Every year in the territory, where there is Chocolate Day, held a variety of attractions that will interest anyone who loves chocolate, chocolate artists, producers of chocolate and chocolate masters who want to share their art with gourmet.

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Photos of Lviv

From now you can see the photos of our beautiful sity! Please go to uor site : Lviv Touristic

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Museum «Lychakivsky Tsvyntar»

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"Cemeteries" - a historical-cultural museum-reserve, on an area of 40 hectares. Cemetery was officially founded in 1786 on the initiative of the new Austrian government in the then capital of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria.

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Restaurant "Panorama"

Want to see the center of the city at a glance? Restaurant "Panorama" that hotel "Opera" invites visitors to enjoy unsurpassed views of the city, settled comfortably on the terrace or in the hall.

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Restaurant "Europe"

One of the central streets of ancient Lviv invite you to visit a very cozy and elegant restaurant "Europe". Classic and stylish interior with exclusive traditional restaurants in Europe. You will see here a real friendly atmosphere, try gourmet cuisine, and enjoy incredible desserts...
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Powder Tower

Powder Tower 1554-1556 years (st.Pidvalna 4) - the only one preserved to this day a monument of fortification construction in Lviv.

Lion guarding the entrance to the tower. With dozens of powerful Lviv defensive towers and gates to the present time only one survived - Powder Tower.

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The changes of 2011

Lviv 2011: opening of the new stadium, airport reconstruction, the first bicycle roads, two new roads, new traffic scheme, additional groups in the garden, a temple of St. Peter and Paul ... ї
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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Palace Kornyakta (Market Square, 6) - an extremely valuable Renaissance monument in 1580, from Lviv Palace of the richest in the history of merchant Constantine Kornyakta.

Thanks Kornyakta we now enjoy beautiful architectural monuments of the Renaissance city. This stone house built for him in the former two Italian architect Peter Barbon...

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Friday, January 6, 2012

Museum of History ("Black stone")

Lviv Historical Museum, one of the oldest in Ukraine is an outstanding treasure of historical and cultural monuments of national and global importance.

Over 110 years of its existence the museum collection formed a stock that is over 330 thousand monuments.

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Modern building of the City Council built in the style of Viennese classicism in the middle of the nineteenth century.Overcome the 350 wooden steps, all three rate (47 euro cents) from Town Hall tower observation deck can see the beauty of the ancient city.
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Market Square - the central area in Lviv , a characteristic phenomenon of the medieval architecture of Central European cities.
Lviv Market Square emerged as a center of Polish-German medieval city after the conquest of the city by the Polish King Casimir the Great, which was the center of Old Market Square.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hotel Leopolis

Second consecutive year Lviv hotel "Leopolis" recognized as the best hotel in Lviv Ukraine . Vin was gained primarily through high quality service and professionalism.

Hotel "Leopolis" - is the result of progressive vision, which aims to create a truly exceptional service, which raises hospitality to a new level.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012


At the end of a dark entrances to the Market Square lies this original and popular taverns.
To get there, you must pass an interesting procedure of "face-control":

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